
Showing posts from June, 2012


Patching the left eye 6 hiurs a day begins. We're calling him a pirate! Should help strengthen the right eye.


Hawke's appointment went well. Surgery is scheduled 7/23 to correct his strabismus. His optic nerve is pale (damaged) a small part. We knew this already but he did lose some vision in his right eye. They suggested some patching prior to surgery. It is outpatient but requires anesthesia. Thanks familia! This isn't brain surgery ;-) so were praying surgery is accurate and the anesthesia goes well.

Consider donating to a great cause

Busy week

Sinus arrhythmia with "normal variance" is the EEG analysis which is good, nothing to be concerned about "It is heart rate speeding up/slowing down in relation to inhalation or exhale". Likelly still schedule a cardio appointment. Nuerosurgery appointment / check up tomorrow and optomotrist later thus week; potentially to correct his strabismus.



Low grade

Low grade fever in Hawke for two days...... No redness or swelling around shunt or shunt track. Acting great today; what's up with low grade fever!? Grrrrrrr your my nemesis but I'm claiming victory in Jesus name an keeping an eye on all of our kiddies pleading the Name of Jesus and rebuking fear ;-)



Resource of the year

Need to research hydrocephalusl? Homeschool resources? No gimmicks, this site provides free PDF downloads (full books)! Text books, research documents ! The National Academies Press (NAP) was created by the National Academies to publish the reports issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council, all operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States. The NAP publishes more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health, capturing the most authoritative views on important issues in science and health policy. The institutions represented by the NAP are unique in that they attract the nation's leading experts in every field to serve on their award-wining panels and committees. The nation turns to the work of NAP for definitive information on everything from space science to animal nutrition.

Chest pain

"Hawke's complaining chest pains. Called dr. Taking him in". Dr said it could be reflux; had an "abnormal" EKG. Sending to cardio specialist, ok to bring home. Praying, prayers solicited! Mind you it was Jacie's first piano lesson day she had to miss; siblings of a child with challenges to overcome, involuntarily sacrifice things. Easy button? Praising God! Walking by faith and trusting in Him.

Feeling good!


You have received a YouTube video!

12 minutes you wont regret, listen to this speech, you will not regret it! No politics, all about "living" life to the fullest. Dont know the mans faith but many beatitudes of Christ mentioned incidentally. Kinda inspiring.


Had a great weekend! Hawke's had a few good days. . . I'm not sure I'll ever fully understand hydrocephalus. Thanking God for every day and trying not to take any time for granted


Remembering, praising, healing

Hydrocephalus and radiation

Hawke's received at least 15 easy of these scans as hydrocephalus requires the details an ultrasound does not provide. More reason to find a hospital with an open MRI (no anesthesia). A concerning study, I wonder what the rate of cancers in people with hydro vs no hydro.

Good read

Inter-cranial pressure monitoring
In the state senate room hoping I get a chance to speak and represent !
Thanks everyone..... Mom n Hawke just went for an x ray than MRI. Praise god The MRI here does not require anesthesia.  Symptoms include a few weeks of decline in progress of pt, whining and increased screaming, decrease food intake, today no speech, flush. Thanks for prayers, they change things in Jesus name!
Checking in.......... Definitely something wrong. CT likely next, will update as can.
Prayer request..please pray in agreement for Hawke. Very concerned heading to hospital. Hawke is showing symptoms of shunt problems. We'll keep you posted.