
Showing posts from October, 2013
MRI look good unchanged (pheww), x ray good, waiting on blood work. Hopefully this is just a mood/behavior root cause unknown hydrocrapulous scenario. No change in ventricles makes mom and dad breath easier.
Some behavior changes demand an E.R. Trip.  Here for over 5 hours just headed up for the MRI.  Praying for good and accurate results.  Receiving the text quickly levels life. E
University of Michigan has submitted a grant request for a hydrocephalus research project.  PHF will review the application for potential approval.  Unfortunately it takes money to provide grants and support research.  We are a non-profit. Please consider donating ANY amount.  Thank you everyone!
PHF Hydrocephalus Fact Check: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke estimates that the condition occurs in roughly one in every 500 children (NINDS)
This is a tragic story.  But there's lessons to be learned.  Prayers up for this family.  I don't think we can ever be too much of an advocate for children.  Doctors are human and make mistakes. Sometimes it's due to neglect.


U of M has applied for a grant with the PHF! They seek to research how a hemorrhage creates hydrocephalus. Hawke acquired hydrocephalus this way (25% Acquire hydrocephalus this way). Consider donating any amount to help us potentially meet this request! http:// donate/phfmi