
Showing posts from March, 2013

3 weeks post op

Apx 3 weeks post Hawkes surgery and his appetite has noticeably increased, this is critical & an answer to prayer.  His weight is concerning and he is due for a check of his blood to analyze for lack of weight gain.  If he maintains this appetite we should see some weight gain. He is also sleeping through the night! A lot to be grateful for!

Great opportunity for us

Join us on April 9th @ 7:30pm EST as Guest Speaker Joel White from the Council for Affordable Health Coverage presents: Health Reform Overview: State Based Exchanges & Essential Health Benefits. Q & A session will follow. The call is FREE. Please register to reserve your spot for this very important Conference Call. Sign up at
The Pistons lost by over 20 points but we had a great time all while raising money to fund a cure!

Fundraising game night!


Game night!


Pistons game!



Hawke has been recovering well from having his tonsils, adenoids removed and receiving tubes in his ears.  He started a fever yesterday, praying he does not get as sick as his brother was this past week.  We are hoping Hawke's sleep will improve along with his appetite.  Hawke is at the 2% of the growth chart for his age.  Blood work soon to verify nothing else is hampering his growth.  We have a few opportunities coming up later this month to raise awareness and funds for research.  Two Detroit Pistons Games and two Red Wings games!  Both are donating a portion of the ticket sales.  Contact me at if you are interested!

Hawkes story


Today Hawke had his first appointment at U of M (ENT).  Hawke is going to have surgery #15 requiring anesthesia & intubation tomorrow to remove his tonsils adenoids and receive new tubes in his ears.  Honestly the only way he has had "good" days of smiles lately is purely by the grace of God.  His tonsils and adenoids are huge causing problems and he has fluid in his ears.  Please pray for a successful uneventful surgery and speedy recovery. Thanks prayer warriors!

A good news story

Insightful story with a good outcome, wow!

New shunt

"Unlike many other valves, the flow rates for horizontal and vertical positions can be adjusted independently of each other, a feature that should help improve the daily comfort of its users". From the article linked below. I like the new feature. Two settings.

Posted! Hanna's story posted :-)


Why PHF?

What does this great foundation (PHF) do with donations?  See how we used your donations last year and review our 2012 Grants and donations page!  WE are making a difference.  Beyond grants as a team of volunteers (parents of hydrocephalus children) we increase awareness, advocate, support and reach out to others to name a few!