A location I will share hydrocephalus relevant information that include technological advances and other resources. A blog to share my experiences, patient advocacy information and Hawke updates (my son with hydrocephalus). @fighthydro
Did you know they have been "treating" hydrocephalus the same way for over 50 years? The leading cause of children requiring brain surgery. Please consider donating any amount, no amount is too small.
Random hydrocephalus fact: I met a 17-year-old last year. She had over 70 brain surgeries due to hydrocephalus. Since then I've met numerous others with similar stories. September is hydrocephalus awareness month! www.hydrocephaluskids.org
Hydrocephalus...... A picture of Hawke's head post op in 2011. At one point he required 4 brain surgeries in 6 days. the worlds children and adults deserve better, increased awareness and research is desperately needed. I won't post another graphic one like this.
** THIRTY DAYS OF HYDROCEPHALUS AWARENESS: DAY 9 Today's spotlight is Hydro Hero All-Star Aubrianna Marie Carr: Age: 14 months old State: Colorado 4 shunt surgeries with numerous ventricular taps to relieve pressure.
Five months ago I asked the FDA representative a question after he asked many of us to request more funding from senate and congress for the FDA. It's going to take more than this to make change! http://youtu.be/4hw_MRMehKQ Hydrocephalus fact: Did you know a new device to treat hydrocephalus can take over 8 years for FDA approval? We need change in the FDA
Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc. ** THIRTY DAYS OF HYDROCEPHALUS AWARENESS: DAY 7 Today's spotlight is Hydro Hero All-Star Aila Elmore, who is THIS YEAR'S National Face of Hydrocephalus Awareness: Age: 1 year old State: Indiana One shunt surgery
Fact: hydrocephalus is more common in newborns (1 in 500 births) than Down Syndrome (1 in 690 births) yet most do not know about hydrocephalus or never heard of hydrocephalus. September is Hydrocephalus awareness month.
Hydrocephalus awareness month fact. Hydrocephalus is the leading cause of children requiring brain surgery. Hawke required 4 brain surgeries in 6 days due to shunt failure and complication over 2 years ago.
Today begins the 5th Anniversary of National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month. 1 in 500 babies are born in the United States each year with Hydrocephalus. Including Hawk. I will be posting some hydrocephalus facts this month, hang in there.