
Showing posts from January, 2015

Fundraiser for hydrocephalus

Thas to all of YOU for making this event a success. We have already sold 40 tickets! Ticket sales end this Friday February 6th. if we sell ten more, six random kids will get to stand next to the Nicks during the National Anthem. Thanks everyone!
"For a special needs parent, it's like being thrown a lifeline. Suddenly, there's a place you can go at 2:00 a.m., and ask for help when you're unsure whether a symptom is normal or not"
A major accomplishment today! Praise God! On his own, Hawke started to walk tonight. He stood up straight and took five steps on his own! Hawke IS WALKING!
Fathers, WE should always be striving for continuous improvement as husbands and fathers. Required read - "Evidence is piling up that as men do more of the caregiving, violence against women falls. Delinquency declines. The health, happiness and well-being of men, children and women improve. Couples report better sex lives. Women's income increases. And battles between the sexes diminish"
On February 27 I am holding a fundraiser to raise money for the Pediactric Hydrocephalus Foundation. Please consider joining us for a good time for a great cause!
Day two of using walker !