Another surgery, another victory

Hawke has had another surgery as seen in the pics below. #9 To be exact. So much races through my mind. How many can he endure? What's the impact on his organs? His heart? Anesthesia 9 times this year and 10 later to help his eyes align. Impact on his diet?! Our hearts break every surgery. . . Will his bright personality return post-op? Will there be a hiccup? I hate this condition, but although this area in medicine has so far to go it has come so far. How much innocence is lost each poke and prod? His siblings, his big sisters(his lil mama's). . . Thank you Lord for pulling him through again. Praying this goes well for at least a year? A month? 5 months? Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace.

CT scan looked good, the only indicator of over drainage was lethargy and loss of appetite (the little one he has). Crabby and extreme irritability. He wanted just to exist on the couch and lay flat. 3 days of that was enough - praising God for a great nuerosurgical team!
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


  1. Thinking of you all! Hawke is such a trooper! x


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