
Showing posts from March, 2012
Meeting a father who lives in romania and who's son is fighting hydrocephalus via Facebook is amazing. We are messaging eachjother, living in what seems like two different worlds fighting the same fight. Praying for my new friend and his family! He is currently traveling 2 hours from home and back to see his son is train. Please keep them in prayer as his son fights for his life in the hospital.
Doing some reminiscing of our summer 2011. . . This pic almost sums it - says a lot. Thanking the Lord for seeing us through what seemed like eternity. Praying for all children and parents...... Praying for a great summer :-) and progress
MRI looks good!! His ventricles are larger than a "normal" ventricle but may be his baseline as there is CSF between his skull and brain. I did get concerned when the tool to adjust the setting took 4 attempts; they had to verify setting due to the magnetic MRI. Leaving soon, Tnks for prayers!
What I'm reading this afternoon ......doing some brainstorming ......

New Device Shows Promise for Less-Invasive Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Respectfully, Jason Adams

Huffington Post article: 7 Things You Don't Know About A Special Needs Parent

From Huffington Post: Respectfully, Jason Adams

What's the latest on Hawke?

So what is the latest on Hawke? His next appointment is with the Nuerosurgery as a follow up and he will be receiving an MRI. What's significant about this MRI is he does not need to receive any anesthesia. Normally children have to receive anesthesia to undergo an MRI but the technology that U of M Hospital has allows us to avoid anesthesia for the MRI. This is a great blessing as anesthesia has risks involved and requires some pricking of a child so Hawke gets to avoid that type of pain and risk. Currently one of our big battles with Hawke is removing the bottle from his daily routine. This is very difficult as his appetite for food is very small and by eliminating the bottle we are decreasing his calorie intake. We are hoping by cutting out the bottle from his diet, his appetite will increase for regular food. So far there are mixed results. We really need a lot of prayer that Hawke will begin to increase his food intake. Since we cut out the bottle he has increased his wa...
Hawk and his sisters

Random PT pics from today

This pic is so significant ! Hawke is taking off with this walker stuff and is asking to use it! It seems surreal, hard to comprehend......I struggled with not just standing on top of him the whole time to stop him from hitting his head if he fell, he never fell. Praising God and grateful to say the least.