What's the latest on Hawke?

So what is the latest on Hawke? His next appointment is with the Nuerosurgery as a follow up and he will be receiving an MRI. What's significant about this MRI is he does not need to receive any anesthesia. Normally children have to receive anesthesia to undergo an MRI but the technology that U of M Hospital has allows us to avoid anesthesia for the MRI. This is a great blessing as anesthesia has risks involved and requires some pricking of a child so Hawke gets to avoid that type of pain and risk.

Currently one of our big battles with Hawke is removing the bottle from his daily routine. This is very difficult as his appetite for food is very small and by eliminating the bottle we are decreasing his calorie intake. We are hoping by cutting out the bottle from his diet, his appetite will increase for regular food. So far there are mixed results. We really need a lot of prayer that Hawke will begin to increase his food intake. Since we cut out the bottle he has increased his water intake and we are trying to administer coconut milk through the sippy cup but he has not been drinking much of the coconut milk. Normally he would drink coconut milk through the bottle. Just a reminder Hawke is lactose intolerant and has a dairy allergy so we've used rice milk coconut milk to supplement his intake of vitamin D and calcium etc. mixing protein powders in with the bottles.

We have switched as many know to U of M for many reasons some including the multiple brain surgeries this past summer. We are praying for a year of no brain surgeries and continued progress with His overall health and of course that Hawke will walk soon.

Thank you everybody for your love and compassion and prayers were so blessed to have friends and family like all of you. If you spent this much time reading this post I really thank you for your concern for Hawke and his well-being and would welcome additional prayers as God works through these prayers!

We are brainstorming on a walk possibly in September to raise funds. All money raised will go towards finding a cure and increasing research. No money will go towards a salary PHF is an all Volunteer organization that is making huge strides for the hydrocephalus pediatric community.

Much love everyone and thank you!


  1. How are you going to manage an MRI without a GA?

    Couldn't imagine Violet being ever able to manage without one for her scans.

  2. Oh and of course here's to no more brain surgeries in the near future for Hawke.

  3. Thanks Sarah! Im not sure how it works yet but will post about it. Praying the same for Violet!

  4. Jayden's neuro is at U of M...we LOVE him! Prayers continuing for Hawke.

  5. Thanks Jaydenm loved the MRI -Anasteshia


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