*** Breaking News ***
The PHF and its Founder's Michael & Kimberly Illions, have been nominated and selected as one of the Finalists to receive a RareVoice Award in the Patient Advocate category at this year's RareVoice Awards Gala, being held on Thursday, October 10th at the Arena Stage in Washington DC.
"This is a great honor and the timing couldn't be better as National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month begins on September 1st, and we just came back from our Hydrocephalus Awareness Day on Capitol Hill with over 125 people from 20 States", stated Michael Illions, the Vice President & Director of Advocacy for the PHF.
Everyone at the PHF congratulates the other nominees from the National MPS Society, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, Acid Maltase Deficiency Association, Jett Foundation, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill & Jonah's Just Begun.
The Second Annual Rare Voice Awards Gala is a celebration to honor advocates who gave rare disease patients a voice on Capitol Hill in 2013.
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