Physiatrist appointment

It went well with the exception that they are leaning toward use of Botox injections. We're not apt to follow the suggestion as of yet. Researching is required and prayer. Another con of Botox is it does not last long (maybe 9 months depending on patient and does not always work, sometimes it works great) and the needle/injection is administered while the child is awake with NO sedation or pain killer. The injection is placed via the needle into the muscle(s). Not sure how many injection required for Hawke if treated. Stories of parents stopping half way into the procedure due to the pain inflicted on the patient. Yes there are some stories with good results as well.


  1. Wow - over here they always use AT LEAST happy gas for botox. A lot of kids have midazolam (versed) as well and some hospitals use General Anasthaesia.

    We have found botox works very well for Ashlea - but like I said they make sure it is not painful to give it to her!!


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