How Hawke became a big brother

I'm not sure why this has come up, but I have been reflecting on what a blessing Canyon has been to all of us. Just as every child we have been given is a blessing; Canyon has uplifted Hawke in ways that I never fathomed. If your familiar with Hawke's story in short you know Hawke's and his brother were both diagnosed with TTTS while in the womb. They overcame much to say the least and both were born dead unecisarilly. Losing Jaxon we mourn but embrace our surviving son Hawke. 3 months in NICU to make a long story short.
To have more children was no option in my mind. I closed myself off to the notion. Than I took it to prayer and The Lord changed my heart and mind. We were blessed with Canyon! He is such an bolt of lightning and cuddler. What Hawke has learned from Canyon and the companionship he enjoys with his brother is irreplaceable and has helped Hawke grow mentally and emotionally. We can't predict the future but we can seek God and make logical decisions while seeking His direction. Sometimes they may not seem logical to us but in hindsight it all makes perfect sense!


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