Your LAST DAY to give a tax-deductible gift to the PHF, Inc. in 2013. MI PHF Friends, As 2013 comes to an end, this is also your LAST DAY to give a tax-deductible gift in 2013 to the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation. Help US make a difference as we "Fund a Cure for Hydrocephalus" Any amount WILL really make a difference. From all of us at the PHF, Thank You, and we wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy New Year!
Showing posts from 2013
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The sad truth is many babies are abandoned in many countries due to hydrocephalus. Many can't afford to save their baby from hydrocephalus. Every life is precious, we need a breakthrough. "Despite the stigma associated with caring for such babies and the high treatment cost, the parents are keen on keeping her, but are struggling to mobilize 2,000 Ghana cedis for surgery."
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A lot of detail still need to be worked out. They have been going down there for 17 years. They won't even know how many people are needed or going until later next year. Will have better idea this summer if it's going to happen or not. Listening to the neurosurgeon administrator talk about it; breaks my heart knowing after one week all have the drs leave and come back. Imagine the dr that performed a life saving surgery on your child is gone for a year :-/. Hydrocephalus apparently occurs at a high rage down there..... Prayers for cure needed!!
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"National Faces of Hydrocephalus Awareness" Campaign 2014:
106 Entries have been received!
EMAIL your entries to (Entries made via Facebook will NOT be accepted.)
Open to anyone with Hydrocephalus 19yrs & Under.
We are looking for one male and one female 'Face of Hydrocephalus' to serve as our National Spokesperson for our 2014 National Hydrocephalus Awareness Campaign, with marketing and promotional materials all through the year ending September 2014 with National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month.
We will randomly select ONE male and ONE female from all entries received.
1) YOU must LIKE this page
2) Just submit one picture of your nominee, between the ages of newborn to 19 years old, with their name, D.O.B., and location.
3) Please include in your email your permission that the PHF is authorized to use the picture for promotional purposes
4) Failure to comply with Rules #1...
How Hawke became a big brother
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I'm not sure why this has come up, but I have been reflecting on what a blessing Canyon has been to all of us. Just as every child we have been given is a blessing; Canyon has uplifted Hawke in ways that I never fathomed. If your familiar with Hawke's story in short you know Hawke's and his brother were both diagnosed with TTTS while in the womb. They overcame much to say the least and both were born dead unecisarilly. Losing Jaxon we mourn but embrace our surviving son Hawke. 3 months in NICU to make a long story short.
To have more children was no option in my mind. I closed myself off to the notion. Than I took it to prayer and The Lord changed my heart and mind. We were blessed with Canyon! He is such an bolt of lightning and cuddler. What Hawke has learned from Canyon and the companionship he enjoys with his brother is irreplaceable and has helped Hawke grow mentally and emotionally. We can't predict the future but we can seek God and make logica...
Help us defeat hydrocephalus
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Today is CYBER MONDAY! While you are doing your on-line Christmas shopping today make some purchases at Amazon! They will donate a portion of each sale to the PHF! Just click the link! Thank you! If you are shopping for gifts consider purchasing a lower level Piston's ticket including a free throw shot on the court after the game for $30.00 on December 15th ! Message us or contact Jason @ 810-441-9170
Can some of this tech be used for hydro ?
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I subscribe to FDA device approval list. Interesting development for people with seizures. "What is it? The RNS System helps reduce the frequency of seizures in epilepsy patients who have frequent, disabling, partial-onset seizures and have not responded well to medications. It consists of a stimulator implanted in the skull under the scalp and leads implanted in the brain."
Family event!
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Join us December 15th to watch the Detroit Pistons play The Portland Trailblazers! Call me (810-441-9170) or message us if you are interested in joining us. Exclusive through PHF we will also get to shoot on the court after the game! 30$ a ticket, 10$ Per ticket will be donated to PHF! More to come :-)
A letter about Hawke from his loving cousin :-)
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- Other Apps This story was written by Hawke's 13 year old cousin Hanna. Hanna wrote this story for a State-wide school essay contest called My Michigan Personal Hero When you hear the word hero, I bet you think of a guy with a cape on in a comic book or on TV? I did until my little cousin Hawke was born on May 14th, 2008. Hawke and his twin brother Jaxon were first pronounced dead at birth. Doctors had to make many resuscitation attempts to revive both boys. Finally after twelve long minutes, Hawke took his first breath! Sadly Jaxon did not survive. During the resuscitation attempts, a hemorrhage formed in Hawke's brain causing Hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a rare condition where there is an excessive amount of fluid that builds up in the brain. Doctors, then figured out they had needed to place a shunt in his head, to help drain the excess fluid that builds up in his brain. Unfortunately for Hawke, this would not be th...
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University of Michigan has submitted a grant request for a hydrocephalus research project. PHF will review the application for potential approval. Unfortunately it takes money to provide grants and support research. We are a non-profit. Please consider donating ANY amount. Thank you everyone!
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Five months ago I asked the FDA representative a question after he asked many of us to request more funding from senate and congress for the FDA. It's going to take more than this to make change! Hydrocephalus fact: Did you know a new device to treat hydrocephalus can take over 8 years for FDA approval? We need change in the FDA
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*** Breaking News *** The PHF and its Founder's Michael & Kimberly Illions, have been nominated and selected as one of the Finalists to receive a RareVoice Award in the Patient Advocate category at this year's RareVoice Awards Gala, being held on Thursday, October 10th at the Arena Stage in Washington DC. "This is a great honor and the timing couldn't be better as National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month begins on September 1st, and we just came back from our Hydrocephalus Awareness Day on Capitol Hill with over 125 people from 20 States", stated Michael Illions, the Vice President & Director of Advocacy for the PHF. Everyone at the PHF congratulates the other nominees from the National MPS Society, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, Acid Maltase Deficiency Association, Jett Foundation, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill & Jonah's Just Begun. The Second Annual Rare Voice Awards Gala is a celebration to honor advocates who gave rare disease pa...
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- Other Apps This shunt sounds exciting (with caution). Here is a problem........ It makes me mad.... The last new shunt by codman was released to The American market in late 2012. It took Codman 8 years to receive FDA approval. 8 years!!! Meanwhile it was being used in Europe. The 510 K process is what the FDA calls the new small medical device approval process
Physiatrist appointment
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It went well with the exception that they are leaning toward use of Botox injections. We're not apt to follow the suggestion as of yet. Researching is required and prayer. Another con of Botox is it does not last long (maybe 9 months depending on patient and does not always work, sometimes it works great) and the needle/injection is administered while the child is awake with NO sedation or pain killer. The injection is placed via the needle into the muscle(s). Not sure how many injection required for Hawke if treated. Stories of parents stopping half way into the procedure due to the pain inflicted on the patient. Yes there are some stories with good results as well.