5 years

5 Years ago today - Carmen took a courageous step to save Jaxon & Hawke's lives. Our identical boys had Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome & required surgery to save their lives. The doctor was one of only a few in the nation that performed this type of fetal surgery. The doctor we were referred to (a separate story but a miracle in itself) was going inside the womb with a laser to burn blood connecting vessels the boys were sharing via the placenta. Carm had to remain awake during the surgery in order to make the surgery safer for the babies. I prayed and paced the hallway impatiently. It seemed like eternity to me and I was not even enduring the surgery. Prior to the surgery we watched the boys on ultrasound what seemed to be more than once a week. After 1hr 40min, the surgery was successful! The surgery caused pre-term labor and bed rest... that story is a separate chapter. Grateful to God for the gifts He has given us!


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