A cousin's perspective

My niece drafted a great story and nomination for Hawke as her hero, touching to say the least!


When you hear the word hero, I bet you think of a guy with a cape on in a comic book or on TV? I did until my little cousin Hawke was born on May 14th, 2008. Hawke and his twin brother Jaxon were first pronounced dead at birth. Doctors had to make many resuscitation attempts to revive both boys. Finally after twelve long minutes, Hawke took his first breath! Sadly Jaxon did not survive.

During the resuscitation attempts, a hemorrhage formed in Hawke's brain causing Hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a rare condition where there is an excessive amount of fluid that builds up in the brain. Doctors, then figured out they had needed to place a shunt in his head, to help drain the excess fluid that builds up in his brain. Unfortunately for Hawke, this would not be the only surgery he would have to have done. He has had a total of fourteen brain surgeries due to shunt failure.

Hawke has spent two of his four birthdays in the hospital, within these four years Hawke has had to go through a lot, not only all the surgeries on his head but he has had to get corrective eye surgery done twice. He also has to go to therapy for his motor skills. Hawke wears braces on his legs and has to use a special walker to help him get around.

Amazingly enough, I have to say that I have never seen such a courageous boy! He comes out of all the surgeries and everything else that he continuously has to go through and yet every time he has a smile on his face! I remember just recently I had to get my tonsils out and I was really scared, and all I could think about was how scared he must have been, I believe that just thinking of him helped me not to be so scared of the surgery.

When I look at my little cousin I see such a strong brave boy. Hawke is a very Kind, Sweet, Spectacular little boy! And he definitely puts up a good fight. Hawke may have some challenges but don't let that fool you cause he is bound and determined to prove all the doctors wrong. He loves playing with his baby brother, Canyon, and his older sisters, Alani and Jacie. He has an amazing spirit and is simply an inspiration to all. Hawke is definitely a miracle and a great blessing from God. I am very proud to be able to say that my cousin Hawke is MY personal Michigan Hero!!


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