
Showing posts from 2014
Looking for additional 2014 tax deductions? Donate to the PHF, we are a 501(C)3. None of us collect a salary, every penny goes toward grant funding and awareness projects. Our President works out of her home so we don't use your donations for building fees, it all goes toward the cause!!
An awareness video :-)
You are important to God Sent from my iPhone
Last Saturday, the PHF Board of Directors approved $60,000.00 in grant funding for 6 Hydrocephalus related Research Projects in 2014. These various research projects, from $1,500.00 requested to $17,500.00 will hopefully be a game-changer for our loved ones with Hydrocephalus! Research Project Grant Recipient: Jennifer Strahle; Chief Resident @ Regents of the University of Michigan Grant Amount: $5,000.00 Research Project: * Mechanisms and treatment of hydrocephalus after neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage in a novel rodent model *This is a PHF renewal research project, having provided partial funding last year. Funding provided by: PHF MI State Chapter Directors Donna West & Jason Adams, PHF CO State Chapter Director Christina Brown & PHF PA State Chapter Director Jenna Sciulli
Shunt refresher - The most common treatment of hydrocephalus is the placement of a shunt (a narrow piece of tubing) into one of the fluid-filled ventricles inside the brain to drain excess fluid. 40,000 shunt surgeries are performed annually. A shunt has four main parts: The upper catheter is a small, narrow tube that is inserted into the ventricle (a small opening or pouch) inside the brain that contains the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The reservoir is where the excess CSF is collected, then drains into the bottom portion of the shunt. Doctors can remove samples of CSF by sticking a needle into the reservoir and can inject medication or fluid into the shunt to test for proper flow. The valve controls how much CSF is allowed to drain from the brain. Most valves work automatically when fluid pressure in the head gets too high. Some valves have special devices to keep too much fluid from draining. The lower catheter is the bottom-most part of the shunt. It is a small, narrow tube...
It's cyber Monday! Consider purchasing tickets to watch the Pistons play the Knicks as a gift. The tickets are discounted to $30 and include a photo on the court post game!
My faith in Christ has always sustained is through the good and bad! "Love like your not scared, give when it's not fair. Love life for another and take time for each other"
"There's not a lot out there to treat or learn about hydrocephalus," Roberts said. "It only gets a small portion of government funding for research, which is a tiny amount compared to other, less prevalent conditions. - See more at:
Every second counts. Great reminder for me, so I'll share with y'all!
Possibly the most inspiring video I have ever listened to. A lot to take away from this!
Last year I interviewed a "Nuero Specialist" who is one of many representatives for a shunt manufacturer. One correction is the name of the FDA program, should state 510K not 410k.
After our meeting she joined the hydrocephalus caucus!
As the result of my meeting and the cause, Congresswomen Miller has joined the Congressional Hydrocephalus Caucus! A congressional caucus is a group of members of the United States Congress that meets to pursue common legislative objectives. Formally, caucuses are formed as congressional member organizations (CMOs) through the United States House of Representatives and governed under the rules of that chamber.
Good meeting with Congresswoman Miller. Thank you for your time and support! @CandiceMiller #PHF @RareAdvocates @PHFIllinois
Meeting with Congresswoman Candice Miller today. Advocating for the Hydrocephalus community! #PHF #Hydrocephalus #RDLA
11-Year-Old Rapper's Song for Sister with Down Syndrome Is a Hit


This is our son Hawke Adams! He is 6 years old. He has three awesome siblings, a great smile, and a fighting spirit. He has had 10 shunt surgeries, 8 within a four month period. Hawke was born dead along with his identical twin, Jaxon, who passed. After 13 minutes, God blessed Hawke with breath! Hawke suffered an intraventricular hemorrhage from his birth and was diagnosed with hydrocephalus at two days old. Eight months later, Hawke receive his first shunt. His family loves this cute fighter!
With National Hydrocephalus Awareness month end closing in, please consider making any donation to the PHF. Without donations we can't provide grants for research. Remember, no one collects a salary at PHF and we are a 501(c)3.
Day 26 of National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month. Did you know the Dandy-Walker malformation accounts for two to 10 percent of children with hydrocephalus? It is defined by hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, cystic dilatation of fourth ventricle and hydrocephalus. Now you know! Tell someone and spread the awareness.   ‪#‎ phf‬ ‪#‎ hydroawareness‬   ‪#‎ realactionrealchange‬
Another PHF State Director making a difference!
Day 19 of National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month. Did you know the first ever Pediatric & Adult Hydrocephalus Congressional Caucus was founded by Congressman Leonard Lance, (NJ) and Congressman Tim Walz, (MN) by request of the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation? Prior to 2011, there was NO such group in Congress. Now you know! Tell someone and spread the awareness.   ‪#‎ phf‬ ‪#‎ hydroawareness‬   ‪#‎ phfhydroblue‬
Day 8 of National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month. Did you know Hydrocephalus may be acquired? Acquired hydrocephalus develops at the time of birth or at some point afterward. This type of hydrocephalus can affect individuals of all ages and may be caused by injury or disease. Now you know! Tell someone and raise awareness!  ‪#‎ phf‬ ‪#‎ hydrowareness‬   ‪#‎ phfhydroblue‬
Today is Hawke's 3rd shuntiversary!  He had 8 shunt surgeries in the summer of 2011.  Half of all shunts fail within two years; failure equals brain surgery.  Grateful to God for every second of every day! Thankful for all the support from all of you! 
I have taken the PHF's Pie Hits Face Duel Challenge and made a donation to for Hydrocephalus Research!! The gauntlet has been thrown down and challenges have been made to.... Mikayla Pekala, Tracy Adams Varner Josh Amber Atwood You have 24 HOURS to accept/take the challenge or donate $25 to the PHF for Hydrocephalus Research @ And don't forget to post your video and make your 3 challenges to friends and family!!! PHF's Jason Adams and family takes the Pie Hits Face Dual Challenge!
A successful meeting with Senator Levin this morning.  He committed to read and consider adding report language to the Agencies appropriation bill, Review the "Hydrocephalus in America Research & Treatment plan" bill and possibly sponsor the American Cures" Bill. #PHF #RDLA
** Great article in the Wall Street Journal featuring PHF Board of Director Mary Ann D'Oria and her Hydro Hero All-Star daughter Adrienne, (who is an admin of the PHF's Teen Page on Facebook), about transitioning from child to adult for medical care and all the problems that go with it.  This is something that will be discussed next Friday with our elected officials during our National Hydrocephalus Awareness Day on Capitol Hill....
Researching under pressure /Speed researching... Sometimes I learn best in these scenarios.  Hello prayer, books and medscape.  Weighing the pros and cons of Botox again.
Physiatrist appointment today for Hawke.  Prayers for accuracy and discernment. Expecting a push for Botox from doctor, no plans on taking the Botox route.  You should see this boys reaction when he overhears words about doctors, the stress jumps on him.  Praying this stress would not get the best of him in Jesus name.
Just confirmed my appointment with Senator Levin to advocate for the hydrocephalus community!  Coordinating a meeting with Representative Miller next.   #PHF 

A write up that covers the fears and concerns that we have

This write up captures it all about hydrocephalus. . .one of our biggest concerns is the potential for loss of mental capacity. #PHF #WeNeedACure #Encouraging
Hydrocephalus.  The days that pass which your child (or self) show little to no symptoms are great; but hydrocephalus is always lurking in the background.  At any given moment without warning an E.R. Trip resulting in brain surgery may be necessary.  Grateful for each day, choosing to fight for the cause!! Advocating in D.C. This month!
This is not science fiction, this is the consequence of untreated hydrocephalus.  This is a child and family fighting to overcome, making progress miraculously. We are fighting for a cure! #PHF  "Roona Begum's Giant Head Reduced to 23 Inches; Starts Smiling, Crawling, Talking"
Throwback Thursday: April 28th, 2009 Congresswoman Michele Bachmann in looking for Co-Sponsors of H. Res. 373, the PHF led effort to designate September National Hydrocephalus Month, literally walked around the Floor of the House and collected signatures from her Congressional colleagues.  Over 50 signatures were needed to move the process at a quicker pace. She collected 89!!  The image below is Congresswoman Bachmann's cover letter, which had an attached lined signup sheet. She received so many signatures and ran out of room, that Members of Congress signed her cover letter! It was a great bi-partisan effort for sure!  ‪#‎ TBT‬   ‪#‎ PHF‬   ‪#‎ Hydrocephalus‬   ‪#‎ Awareness‬
September is National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month! You know how we know? Because the PHF is the organization that went to Congress in 2009 to have a Resolution declared and passed! Prior to July 2009, there was NO Awareness Month! Stay tuned for an EXCITING AND GROUNDBREAKING MONTH :-)
This article published in the US News lists the 50 Top-Ranked Pediatric Hospitals for Neurology & Neurosurgery. The PHF has given donations to be used for the benefit of Pediatric Hydrocephalus patients, or Grants specifically for Hydrocephalus Research Projects including U of M Children's Mott hospital ranked #24. Also provided grants to 2 Ranked Hospitals, 4 of the top 10 & 7 of the top 20!! Boston Children's Hospital (#1), Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (#2), Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (#9), Nationwide Children's Hospital (#10), Primary Children's Hospital (#12), Children's Hospital Colorado (#14), & Seattle Children's Hospital (#17).
Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc. ~ ONE MONTH FROM TODAY ~ ** The PHF Goes to Washington!!** ~ PHF 4th Annual Hydrocephalus Awareness Day on Capitol Hill on Friday August 22nd in Washington DC ~ This Amazing Event would not be possible without the financial support of our Corporate Sponsors: Medtronics, Cameron Can Foundation, New Jersey Pediatric Neuroscience Institute, Aesculap, Nemours ~ Alfred I. duPont Children's Hospital, New Jersey Right to Life, Amicus Therapeutics, T.L.C. "Mobile" Groomers If you missed out this year, don't worry, we will be back in DC next year for the 5th ANNUAL Hydrocephalus Awareness Day on Capitol Hill in 2015!!
The PHF was started by two parents with a child whom has hydrocephalus and is made up of parents across the nation! With your support we are making a difference in this fight for adults and children  
@fighthydro: Need more research to learn more! "Team discovers genetic dysfunction connected to hydrocephalus". @NIH
@fighthydro In a little over 30 days we are meeting on Capitol Hill to advocate for hydrocephalus! @congressblog #hydrocephalus #needacure Carmen Adams Diana Crane
Imagine fighting a government to receive enough treatment for your child?  Thankful they won. #hydrocephalus
Please pray for this family whom lost their Son to hydrocephalus complications this past Friday.
Convinced of the reach of twitter today on a conference call I created an account.  Purely as an advocate to fight hydrocephalus.  If you have an account hit me up!  @hydrofighter
Dreaming of a future with better treatment, preferably a cure "10 days after she had her ninth surgery to alleviate her hydrocephalus"
A real Dad raising the bar for his little girl!


Really hate the affects of immobility physically and mentally on my child.
Help raise funds to fight hydrocephalus when you amazon (costs you nothing) Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice when you shop at
Father's Day weekend
Good read, reminder! "Here's what solid, scientific research tells us about the profound impact fathers have on their children's emotional, physical, mental and intellectual growth:"
These are the 50 top-ranked centers for children with serious neurological problems. Survival following complex surgery, surgical complications and infection prevention were among the kinds of data, collected from a detailed U.S. News survey of children's hospitals, that produced 83.3 percent of each hospital's score. The other 16.7 percent reflects how many of 450 pediatric neurologists and neurosurgeons responding to surveys in 2012, 2013 and 2014 recommended the hospital for serious cases.
Always be thoughtful of new toys when your child has a programmable shunt.  After a short review we realized this spidey toy had a pretty strong magnet.  Successfully removed w/o breaking the toy :-)
I consider this a parent  must-read 1: Warn your Girl Child Never to sit on anyone's laps no matter the situation including uncles. 2: Avoid Getting Dressed in front of your child once he/she is 2 years old. Learn to excuse them or yourself. 3. Never allow any adult refer to your child as 'my wife' or 'my husband' 4. Whenever your child goes out to play with friends make sure you look for a way to find out what kind of play they do, because young people now sexually abuse themselves. 5. Never force your child to visit any adult he or she is not comfortable with and also be observant if your child becomes too fond of a particular adult. 6. Once a very lively child suddenly becomes withdrawn you may need to patiently ask lots of questions from your child. 7. Carefully educate your grown ups about the right values of sex . If you don't, the society will teach them the wrong values. 8: It is always advisable you go through any new Material like cartoons you just bou...


This link will take you to a video created for the benefit concert about Hawke and hydrocephalus.


Tragic: 13 year old misdiagnoses causes death. She had Hydrocephalus. Lauren 13, of Richmond, Sheffield, died in her sleep last October – three weeks after starting to suffer with severe headaches initially diagnosed as migraines. http:// news/health/ local-health/ parents-demand-a pology-over-she ffield-teenager -s-death-1-6630 277
Finally a real leader with an encouraging message.  36 years as a Navy seal explains how each of us CAN change the world (open link, scroll down for video).


Praising God

Benefit concert pictures

This weekends benefit concert was a great success!! Nine of this would of happened without Gods hand behind it. Thank you to all involved!
Received generous donations today, in a homemade envelope.  Every dollar makes a difference, thank you everyone for your continued support!

Benefit concert

This Saturday is the benefit concert for the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation.  This foundation is helping to fund real research and awareness to help children like Hawke  and the millions of children and adults with this condition. 


Use of programmable versus nonprogrammable shunts in the management of hydrocephalus : A retrospective study with cost-benefit analysis

Great fundraiser today for PHF!


Benefit Concert

Benefit concert for hydrocephalus!  Consider joining us at the UAW Center for Human Resources Auditorium as Teen Nation Tour provides the entertainment!
Pretty good explanation of hydrocephalus:
Consider joining us May 3 for a fundraising event for the pediatric hydrocephalus foundation!
This is one of the most inspiring stories I've learned of.  Everyone of us could learn so much from these two boys!

Benefit concert

🎉🎉🎉🎉 PHF and I have have partnered with Teen Nation Tour ( ), General Motors and the UAW to create a night of entertainment and excitement!  10.00 A ticket $5 for kids 6-12 with children 5 and under free.  Contact me for tickets 810-441-9170 Still finalizing headliners

A big fundraiser, awareness event coming up

Mark you calendars for May 3rd! We have a few potential venues :-)
Hearing the laughter of children in the morning particularly Hawke and Canyon for the past 30 minutes... So grateful!!  Not taking good health for granted, praising God while I pray for those fighting children in hospitals (my news feed is full this past week of children fighting hydrocephalus among other issues).


Hydrocephalus doesn't take weekends off and neither do we at the PHF! We are here for you 24/7/365! When you need us, just reach out to us via email at , or by phone at 810-441-9170 or shoot us a note on Facebook. That's how we do it at the PHF. REAL ACTION~REAL CHANGE.
One of our goals is to create change that impacts the world! The Third World country scenarios are difficult to read but informative as well.
Please consider helping this family and adding them to your prayer list :-).   Lauren has had many complication with hydrocephalus
Our children play such a major role in Hawke's life and development (thank You Lord). This video stirs some emotions and is a great reminder of what love looks like. Prayers up for Teddy's progress and family. This short film captures a young girl's love for her brother, who has cerebral palsy.
Sometimes you just can't deny the request "Daddy can I come to bed with you"
It's not about my son, it's about the children and all people fighting hydrocephalus! Raising awareness, raising money for better treatment and a cure! Article published in Lapeer County Press. It won't let you access online for 30-days :-/
Two inspiring stories. You might think twice before saying "I can't". A Neurosurgeon that overcame poverty in Detroit and a child author on epilepsy = Encouragement